I idly wrote the title of this FTV one day when thinking back about hauling my drum set around over the years. Like the kid who decides to play the tuba in the school band, one does not sling a dr…
“The Lake, it is said, never gives up her dead, when the skies of November turn gloomy”. If there is a more haunting lyric about Lake Superior than this, I have never heard it. …
If there are tasks that breed procrastination more than cleaning closets, I can’t think of any. When one views this process as a form of exploration, however, there is a plus side. …
The first time I remember telling my buddy Mitch about Uriah Heep he was either half listening or he was pulling my leg when he responded, “You’re a heap? A heap of what?” Heep’s h…
It never ceases to amaze me that some people are shocked and horrified when the headlines blare out the fact that (gasp) many countries engage in spying, surveillance, and other covert …
Would the Porcupine Mountain Music Festival’s 13th edition prove to be a convergence of bad luck? For people who suffer from triskaidekaphobia, it would seem that PMMF # 13 would ha…