
May 12, 2020

COVID-19 Update

Greetings – just wanted to let everyone know that we are broadcasting on a limited schedule because a) I am here cleaning and sanitizing, looking to the future, and b) it gives us a chance to advertise the school district food distribution program – at present, they school staff is serving over 200 families on Monday and Thursdays, supplying bags with breakfast and lunches seven days a week.  If there was a time to put the lunch program money to good use, this would be it.  906-813-0614 Ext 3 will put anyone school age (basically 18 or under) in the program – make the call, they will tell you everything you need to know.

Our favorite Australian keyboard whiz Lachey Doley sent the top piece video – his duo with himself of Johnny and Santo’s Sleepwalk.

Enjoy, stay home, stay well, wash your hands – keep it tuned to 88.5 or – we are not on every day, but we will continue to broadcast until we can be back full time.  You can leave us a message at or at 906 813 0614 Ext 113.

From the Vaults continues in the Ontonagon Herald and on this site regardless!  Best regards!  K.Raisanen  Manager