
February 14, 2018

S4SD – DbD3

WOAS-FM volunteers are again conducting a month long STRIVE 4 A SAFER DRIVE public service campaign to call attention to the dangers of texting and driving.  Don’t be Disracted III (or DbD3) jump started the local campaign by distributing DARK BLUE w/ LIME GREEN wristbands to everyone in the Ontonagon Area Schools K-12 building.  Poster, coloring and button contests will continue until the end of February with both the elementary art classes, the WOAS FM staff and some Senior Service Project volunteers all lending a hand.

The photo shows our Radio and SSP volunteers modeling this year’s color theme.


Top Piece Video:  Okay,  lip syncing Radar Love may not be the best tie in, but still probably better than I Can’t Drive 55!