We all learned the rhyme at some point in our schooling: Fourteen hundred ninety two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. For far too many years, our history classes were fixated on giving Christopher Columbus credit for being the first to discover the Americas. Without considering the indigenous people who already lived in both North, […]
Well kids – we have worked out the logistics for our new tower bays and we have just about enough money to cover the order. That is the good news. The bad news (of course there is always bad with the good) is we may not be able to install them until June – if […]
With a couple of notable Lunar events taking place in March, let us start this AstroCal by focusing on our neighbor. The Full Moon will take place on March 14 and bears the curious name of The Worm Moon. It is so named because this month, “the earthworms start to appear in the soil […]