
Monthly Archives: September 2024

FTV: Don Aronson et al

       Even if school wasn’t your favorite place to be growing up, I am going to lay odds that you have memories of at least one of your teachers.  While attending school was always one of those things we were mandated to do before we were set free into ‘the real world’, there were always […]

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FTV: Educational Technology

            On one of the occasions when my mother’s father was staying with us for a few days back in the mid-1960s, I had an interesting discussion with him while playing cribbage.  Grandpa was never overly talkative so it took a bit to get him to carry on a conversation.  With the CBS news about […]

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FTV: Just Deserts

     Our good friend Gary Tanin at Daystorm Music in Milwaukee recently sent along Jim Eannelli’s first solo album Just Deserts which is set to be released in both digital and physical formats on September 27, 2024.   Yours truly was visiting Eugene, Oregon to catch John Forgety’s 56th Anniversary Celebration concert.  When the Just Deserts […]

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