Pearl Harbor was attacked by the United States Armed Forces in 1928, 1932, 1933, and 1937. Of course, these were only training exercises, but just the same, the Navy’s assaults on Pearl had caught the defending forces with their pants down each and every time. The 1932 attack even saw the ‘enemy’ planes swoop in […]
Near the end of my time with the band Knockdown, Lee the bass player loaned me a copy of an album called Medusa by an English band called Trapeze. He mentioned something about wanting to learn some of their songs, but a few months later, we played our last gigs before Ray the guitar […]
A while back, I spent four segments of From the Vaults reminiscing about my high school years. Having discovered my old high school annuals (called The Tatler), it was rather fun thinking back to the things that kept me busy and off the street. The vast majority of these memories revolved around both high school […]
Okay, not so much funny, but maybe ‘funny’ as in ‘annoying’ – sometime last broadcast year, our UStream video disappeared. It took a lot of time (and some help from our helpful techie friends at the ISD in Hancock) to find out that the free service had been dropped (would it have hurt to actually […]
We last visited Joe Bonamassa-land after the release of his 2016 album Blues of Desperation (FTV: Joe’s Blues 5-4-2016). At that time, we found Bonamassa riding the crest of a wave of creativity that saw him releasing multiple live CD/DVD packages of his own work (Live at Royale Albert Hall and Live at Radio City […]