What began as an innocent swamping out of our linen closet turned into an adventure when I discovered the long missing high school annuals from my days at Marquette Senior High. The summary from my freshman year was kind of fun and it was surprising how many little details popped into my head perusing […]
It has been a while since I updated the old “welcome to WOAS-FM” page so that is in the offing over this Christmas Break. We have been granted a $1000 grant from the State of Michigan for the third consecutive year to run our Don’t be Distracted public service campaign (part of the statewide Strive […]
Little Steven himself doesn’t give other people advice. “Oh, you can’t be stupider than me,” he was recently quoted in Classic Rock Magazine, “leaving the E-Street Band when I did, it’s one of those things you look back on and say (it) was a tragic mistake.” He was referring to his being a big […]
Part 1 of this article covered the ups and downs experienced by WOAS-FM during the first two decades of its existence. The ‘next twenty years’ began in 1997 when the Ontonagon Board of Education, UPPCO, and our listeners ponied up $9000 to rehab the station and get us back in fighting condition. It was […]
From time to time it is kind of fun to go back and look at how we got here. For WOAS-FM, ‘here’ means ‘still here as we enter our 40th year on the air’. While yours truly has been in Ontonagon as long as the station has been on the air, I was more […]