In my archives, I have a old cassette tape dating back to early in my junior year of high school – somewhere around 1969. It isn’t much to listen to because there is a lot of background noise, some snippets of dialog and the first (and unfortunately only) bit of music ever put down on […]
It was a toss up between ‘Fog Tap’ or ‘Spinal Hat’ so I flipped a coin to decide what to call this installment of FTV. The band Foghat was named years before the band even formed when guitarist/vocalist ‘Lonesome Dave’ Peverett was playing Scrabble with his brother. The nonsense word stuck in his subconscious […]
Imagine 11,000 screaming fans, the majority of them girls between the ages of 13 and 17, crammed into a ballroom with a legal capacity of just 2,500. This crowd would be the equivalent of the audience at the much larger Milwaukee Arena packed into a space the size of a large high school gymnasium on […]
As far back as I can remember, our family had pickup trucks. I learned to drive on our camp beater truck that was old enough (circa 1949) that it sported a standard shift on the column, a key that was on and off only, and the starter footswitch was on the floor near the […]
August 9, 2017 update! The votes are in and the 1.3 mil sinking millage being sought in the August 8 election passed by a 2-1 margin! Thank you to the citizens of Rockland, Greenland, Carp Lake and Ontonagon Townships who ALL passed the proposal. Thank you for thinking about our students and one of your greatest […]
Ronnie Montrose died in 2012 after a prolonged struggle with prostate cancer and that is what music fans everywhere were led to believe. Later reports indicated that he had taken his own life, but in that he had resolved to battled the disease without chemotherapy or invasive procedures, one undoubtedly led to the other. […]