
From the Vaults

Musical ramblings from the manager

FTV: The Huron Mountain Years

   Multitasking isn’t something that arrived with the computer age.  In the old days, multitasking wasn’t something you could do sitting in one place with the digital platform of your choice in front of you.  No, in the old days, multitasking usually involved frequent relocation from one jobsite to another.     There was a two year period […]

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FTV: 3 Sides of America

   Dewey Bunnell.  Dan Peek.  Gerry Beckley.  A few of you may recognize these names.    A greater number of people will recognize A Horse With No Name more readily even if they can’t place the names of the creators of this folk rock classic.  They may not be the hit making machine they were back in […]

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FTV: Charlie Walnut!

Anyone who spends any amount of time talking or writing about music will eventually bring ‘misheard lyrics’ into the discussion.  I would not want to feel left out of this club.  In fact, anyone who has had to figure out songs for a band to learn faces the task of unmasking mystical (and sometimes undecipherable) […]

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FTV: Weird Al

I like Weird Al Yankovic.  I like his parodies, his sense of humor, and his accordion playing.  He seems to be the kind of guy you could sit down and talk to.  With that said, I would really like to meet the guys in his band because they are able to take what Al does […]

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FTV: Bayou Billabong

Some time ago I mentioned one of our ‘golden nugget’ moments at WOAS-FM occurred when Australian Hammond B-3 wizard Lachy Doley dropped us a line announcing the release of his newest CD Conviction.  Subsequent research lead to another happy accident when I discovered that Lachy has a keyboard playing brother named Clayton, a fact confirmed […]

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FTV: Wonder Man

Wonderful!  The new Rusty Wright Band CD Wonder Man is wonderful!  When they last visited Upper Michigan for two performances at the Ontonagon Theater for the Performing Arts in March of 2014, they were promoting their last release This, That, and the Other Thing.  A wonderful CD in its’ own right, TT&OT was recorded with […]

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FTV: Rouse

Robert Colclasure:  aka Rouse.  I knew Bob in passing the first couple of years I was in Ontonagon as he was subbing at OASD from time to time.   I first realized what a funny, talented guy he really was when I hosted a little musical gathering in my basement for anyone who wanted to show […]

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