
From the Vaults

Musical ramblings from the manager

FTV: The Detective

      Among the many hats my father wore during his 40 plus year tenure as an employee of the State of Michigan,  one was that of a detective.  If one ponders the skills that make a good detective, it doesn’t take too much imagination to understand why I never found it in my best interests […]

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FTV: Woody the Spider

      Contrary to an urban musical myth I am about to burst, not all rock drummers hailing from across the pond are named Mick.   Listening to Jeff Beck’s Truth recently (with that relatively unknown vocalist named Rod Stewart out front), I noted the exceptional drumming done by Mick Waller.  This got me to […]

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From the Vaults: Rickey Medlocke

      There is no reason at all for readers to recognize the name Tom Dowdy.  Resplendent in his rhinestone encrusted shirt, he hosted an eponymously titled TV show in Jacksonville, Florida that featured a lot of the popular bluegrass and country artists of the day.  Roy Rogers even brought along his horse, Trigger.  Though his […]

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FTV: R.A.Fessenden

      In 1911, Reginald Aubrey Fessenden was fired from his own company.  The Canadian born, largely self-educated scientist had finally exhausted the patience of his Pittsburgh based investors who had bankrolled his experiments in radiotelephony.  The National Electrical Signalling Company (NESCO) had succeeded in demonstrating the concept of wireless radio broadcasting in December of 1906, […]

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FTV: Voice Lessons

      My mother has always loved to sing and even at age 93, she is unhappy when her Troubadour singing group fails to meet.  The Troubadours are a group at her residence (Brookridge Heights in Marquette) that gather on Sundays to sing and on the occasions when they don’t meet, she is always disappointed.  It […]

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FTV: Man on the Run

      “I hit the bottle,” he admits.  “I hit the substances.”  He was eaten up with anger – at himself, at the outside world.  He could describe it only as a barrelling, empty feeling rolling across his soul.     The excerpt above could be applied to any number of people down on their luck.  Paul McCartney […]

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